
Meet the Team

Robin Dunkley – Senior Coach

Robin Dunkley, Lead Coach

Our resident coach and co-owner, Robin is an elected member of APSI (Association of Professional Shooting Instructors) and a BASC (British Association of Shooting and Conservation) qualified Coach.

Robin has been Lead Coach for various BASC Coaching Lines including the biggest event on the calendar, the CLA Game Fair.

Much in demand, he has competed at the highest level in clay pigeon shooting and is an experienced game shot.

As a BASC Coaching Mentor and BASC accredited Safety Officers trainer he has been able to pick a team which meets his own high standards of safety, shooting and customer care.

Sally Dunkley Events Coordinator

Co-owner and the brains and organization behind the scenes, Sally needs all her female ability to multitask. She does all the bookings and makes sure the coaches are in the right place at the right time (and knows what they are doing).

Always ready with refreshments, Sally is also a First Aider and CPSA qualified Safety Officer.

Sally always makes sure things work if it’s the last thing we do!

Imran Gilani Shooting Coach

An avid wildfowler and sporting shot, Imran has experience in a variety of shooting on two continents.

A BASC qualified shooting coach and CPSA Safety Officer, he has coached at Game Fairs and BASC Improve Your Shooting Days as well as Corporate Events, Introductory Novice Days and giving Individual Lessons.

Lastest News

Next Open Shoot

Sunday 28th July 2024

Please call, text or email to book your slot

Ed: 07549 945386

Shooters guidance. Please click here.


Order online or email


For licence holders/experienced shots and novices.
Contact Ed: 07549 945386


Sally's other business

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